
ParaCode for Insurers


Delight your clients by creating and distributing insurance products using our intuitive platform

Features that work for you

ParaCode is designed to streamline your insurance operations and reduce administrative costs, freeing up your resources to focus on growing your business. With our software, you can easily manage policy applications, underwriting decisions, premiums, claims, and MGA/broker/client interactions, all in one place.
Our software provides a complete view of your business, allowing you to monitor and manage all aspects of your insurance operations. You can track performance metrics such as loss ratios, combined ratios, and profitability, allowing you to make informed decisions based on real-time data.
With automated workflows, task assignment, and notifications, you can ensure that nothing falls through the cracks, and that all tasks are completed on time. ParaCode also provides extensive document management capabilities, allowing you to store, manage, and share files securely.
In addition, our software integrates seamlessly with other systems, allowing you to extend your capabilities and manage your business more effectively.
The launch of the masterplan binder on ParaCode has been a huge time saver for the department.
Because the system is user-friendly, training team members has also been an easy process

Kate Horne

Policy Administrator - KBIS

ParaCode is making a massive difference. I have managed to do half a month of renewals on my own in two days.
This was unheard of on the old system. We built an entire product in less than a day.

Keith Lovett

Managing Director & Yacht Manager - Stoneways Marine

ParaCode has been a game-changer.
I have said that multiple times and I will say it again.

Brendan Ryan

Equine Underwriting Manager - The Underwriting Exchange (Ireland)

Ready to learn more?
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We can provide solutions for any type of Insurance business